The Employment Service provides services to citizens related to the exercise of rights in accordance with the employment law, the most important of which are:
Director: Tatjana Kovačević, PhD in Dentistry
Head nurse: Dosta Garić
Ribnik Health Center provides primary health care services according to the family medicine system. Within the Ribnik Health Center, there are five family medicine teams, as well as three field clinics.
In addition to primary health care services, specialist medicine services are also provided, and specialist doctors prescribe twice a month.
In addition to the above, dental services are constantly provided, as well as laboratory diagnostics. The regular working hours of the health center are from 7:00 to 15:00, and the emergency service operates in the period from 15:00 to 7:00.
Branch manager: Tijana Olabina
The Pension and Disability Insurance Fund provides professional assistance to insured persons and beneficiaries of pension and disability insurance rights.
It also controls the collection of contributions, on which it keeps appropriate records and submits reports to the competent authorities.
In this branch, it is possible to exercise all the rights from the pension and disability insurance, about which appropriate records are also kept.
When exercising their rights, citizens are completed requests and assisted in collecting the necessary documents for exercising them.
In the branch office of this public institution, citizens can certify the health books that are necessary for them to receive health services.
Through this fund, citizens can also reimburse the costs of treatment, if they have the right to it. The fund also reimburses the costs of sick leave of employees to employers for more than 30 days.
Director: Đuro Vrtunić
The utility company Ribnik deals with the distribution of drinking water for citizens on the route Zableće - Ribnik.
The water source is located in the village of Rastoka, the hamlet of Milosevici. It also maintains the sewerage network in the settlement of Ribnik.
Utility company Ribnik maintains local roads in the summer by backfilling and other ongoing maintenance, and in the winter by clearing snow.
One of the activities is maintaining cleanliness, garbage collection and use of the landfill.
In addition to all the above, utility company Ribnik also provides services to third parties.
Director: Željko Višekruna
The main activity of Serbian forests Ribnik is growing and protection of forests.
In order to facilitate the organization of work, the farm is divided into four work units.
There is also a hunting sector that deals with the breeding and protection of venison in the economic and sports part of the Ribnik hunting ground.
Director: Svjetlana Elez
The public institution Cultural Center Ribnik started working in 1999.
Within the public institution, there is RTRS "Studio Ribnik", which broadcasts four hours of its own program.
The main task of the Public Institution Cultural Center Ribnik is to inform and satisfy the cultural needs of the citizens of the municipality of Ribnik.
Director: Sanela Lučar
Social workers: Milana Milanović, Biljana Brkić
Pedagogue: Duška Krndija
Also, the center in the exercise of public authority provides social work services and initiates court proceedings when it is authorized to do so by law.
Director: Svjetlana Vračar, prof.
The Ribnik Public Library started operating in 2006. It functions and is financed by the funds of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Municipality of Ribnik, as the founder. It is located in the building of the Municipality of Ribnik and has working hours from 7 to 15 hours.
Currently, the library has about 13,411 books, or about 5,940 titles.
The number of readers is about 900, and they are mostly students of primary schools and the high school center in Ribnik, but also other citizens of the municipality of Ribnik.
In addition to its main activity, the public library organizes promotions and gatherings with writers from the Republic of Srpska and the surrounding area.
In the coming years, it is planned to increase the book fund and improve the conditions for the work of the library to the satisfaction of all readers and members of the public library Ribnik.
Head of the Regional Unit: Nedjo Stojakovic
The basic task of the Tax Administration is to consistently, impartially and efficiently collect public revenues and thus serve the Republika Srpska and its citizens.
The Law on the Tax Administration regulates a single procedure in the application of material tax laws, and the Tax Administration of the Republika Srpska is given the authority to implement all tax laws.
The essence of the new approach that the Law on Tax Administration brought to the tax system of the Republic of Srpska is the principle of self-declaration. This means that it is the legal obligation of taxpayers to report their obligations themselves in the manner and within the deadlines prescribed by the Law on Tax Administration or the substantive tax law.
The organization of the Tax Administration of the RS has established organizational units that deal with education, information and assistance to taxpayers, calculation control, tax collection, investigation and other activities related to the application of these regulations.
The Ribnik Regional Unit, as an integral part of the RS Tax Administration, performs: receipt and processing of documents related to the registration of taxpayers, receipt of tax returns and verification of their formal correctness, preliminary entry of obligations from returns, assistance to taxpayers in exercising their rights and enforcing tax obligation; educating and informing taxpayers regarding their rights and obligations in the field of taxes.
Head of the regional unit: Vladan Vidović
The Republic Administration for Geodetic and Property-Legal Affairs performs administrative and other professional tasks related to: survey and establishment of real estate cadastre, renewal of real estate survey and cadastre, maintenance of survey and real estate cadastre, cadastre of communal devices except for tasks transferred by law to units local self-government, cadastral classification and land rating, mapping of the territory of the Republic, keeping technical archives of original plans and maps, basic geodetic works, professional supervision of surveying and real estate cadastre, land cadastre, cadastre of utilities, land consolidation and land surveying for special needs, property and other real property relations on state-owned real estate, property-legal relations on land and buildings, expropriation, usurpations, agrarian relations, termination of state property, establishment of previous property-legal relations on state-owned land - denationalization, evide information on real estate and real estate rights, property-legal affairs related to real estate on which the Republic has the right to dispose, supervisory, normative-legal and analytical affairs and other affairs in accordance with the law.
The tourist organization aims to develop a strategy for the development of the municipality that has great potential.
Direktor: Zorica Stojanović
JPU „Srbija“ Ribnik osnovana je odlukom Skupštine opštine Ribnik i funkcioniše po osnovu odredbi Zakona o javnim službama, Zakona o predškolskom vaspitanju i obrazovanju Republike Srpske i Zakona o lokalnoj samoupravi.
JPU „Srbija“ Ribnik je ustanova čija je osnovna djelatnost vaspitanje, obrazovanje, njega i zaštita zdravlja djece predškolskog uzrasta, što je čini ustanovom od posebnog društvenog interesa.
Boravak djece jasličkog i predškolskog uzrasta je organizovan u cjelodnevnom i poludnevnom trajanju:
Od 06:30 do 08:30 časova, mi se okupljamo i igramo.
U ugodnoj atmosferi uz muziku od 08:30 do 09:00 časova peremo ruke, serviramo hranu i doručkujemo.
Od 09:00 do 11:30 časova, zajedno sa drugarima učestvujemo u igrama koje su za nas osmislili i pripremili vaspitači. Ponekad nastaju i nove maštovite igre čiji smo mi tvorci. Kada je vrijeme lijepo igramo se i učimo vani.
Poslije pranja ruku, od 11:30 do 12:00 časova, zajedno ručamo i vaspitači nam pomažu da naučimo pravila pristojnog ponašanja za stolom.
Nakon ručka, od 12:30 do 14:00 časova, odmaramo se.
Nakon odmora, od 14:30 do 15:00 časova užinamo, a zatim od 15:00 do 16:00 časova se ponovo igramo i kroz igru učimo dok ne dođe vrijeme za odlazak kući.